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We bring a new vision of leaders: their human experience and values.

Meet the person behind the leader.

Naked Chief’s was born with the purpose of sharing the human side of business leaders to inspire us with their experience and values, in order to learn how to achieve professional success.

We talk about leadership, advice, failures and lessons learned to know the person behind today’s and tomorrow’s business leaders.

We run away from posturing. We seek real inspiration.

Naked Chief’s interview

Our interview consists of direct and personal questions to make the person reflect and share their experience in a real and honest way.

Everyone answers the same questions. Inspiration is in the diversity of responses.

The nomination.

All business leaders have started their careers from the bottom and have had references and colleagues throughout their professional journey from whom they have also learned.

Now, they have the opportunity to know their experience from the human side. At the end of each interview, each person nominates 3 more executives to continue the chain.