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“Choose between being right or being happy” Gaby Castellanos, CEO de socialphilia

Every leader has a story. Find out. Get inspired. Spread it.

Who you admire?
To Madonna. Great Marketing Director and expert in doing a lot with little. Great.

What is the best advice someone has ever given you?
Choose between being right or being happy.

What advice would you give us?
What you give is what you receive. So don’t keep anything in your hands; hand it out…

What is the bravest decision you have made in your life?
Leaving the comfort of success, money, a good position… to be happy and do what I dream of.

What websites, magazines and social networks do you use or follow regularly?
Social media? All. I’m @gabycastellanos in them. I have my feed full of websites, posts to read… I read,,,… They are my morning snack.

A key book:
Dracula. The first book I read.

What do you value most in a company?
Not feel like a company.

An indispensable quality to be a leader…
Listening, without a doubt.

If you were on a deserted island and could only have 3 things, what would you choose and why?
My partner, my dog ​​Lola and a phone with 4G.

What do you have different from the others?
The passport number, the way I say a few words –  I’m dyslexic  – and the smile.

In your opinion, what is the most significant invention in history?

What is the last song you heard or remember?
When I feel good by Efecto Pasillo.

What do you prefer to forget at home: your mobile phone or your wallet? Why?
Wallet. With my mobile I am able to pay for some things or, failing that, call or tweet someone to pay for them for me.

With whom 3 would you go for a drink?
With Kristen Wiig, Ben Stiller  and Sandra Bullock  I would go to karaoke to sing: “That’s what friends are for”.

Tell us about a time you messed up at work…
Ugh! So many times… Creativity has saved me from the worst possible situations. But nothing worse than an internal email that reaches the customer’s hands because you sent it, and without meaning to.

Which 3 executives would you like to nominate?
Adolfo González of Ontwice.

Marga Castaño of Aperitiv. 

Bobby Coimbra of 141 Coimbra.

“Choose between being right or being happy” Gaby Castellanos, CEO de socialphilia

Every leader has a story. Find out. Get inspired. Spread it.

Who you admire?
To Madonna. Great Marketing Director and expert in doing a lot with little. Great.

What is the best advice someone has ever given you?
Choose between being right or being happy.

What advice would you give us?
What you give is what you receive. So don’t keep anything in your hands; hand it out…

What is the bravest decision you have made in your life?
Leaving the comfort of success, money, a good position… to be happy and do what I dream of.

What websites, magazines and social networks do you use or follow regularly?
Social media? All. I’m @gabycastellanos in them. I have my feed full of websites, posts to read… I read,,,… They are my morning snack.

A key book:
Dracula. The first book I read.

What do you value most in a company?
Not feel like a company.

An indispensable quality to be a leader…
Listening, without a doubt.

If you were on a deserted island and could only have 3 things, what would you choose and why?
My partner, my dog ​​Lola and a phone with 4G.

What do you have different from the others?
The passport number, the way I say a few words –  I’m dyslexic  – and the smile.

In your opinion, what is the most significant invention in history?

What is the last song you heard or remember?
When I feel good by Efecto Pasillo.

What do you prefer to forget at home: your mobile phone or your wallet? Why?
Wallet. With my mobile I am able to pay for some things or, failing that, call or tweet someone to pay for them for me.

With whom 3 would you go for a drink?
With Kristen Wiig, Ben Stiller  and Sandra Bullock  I would go to karaoke to sing: “That’s what friends are for”.

Tell us about a time you messed up at work…
Ugh! So many times… Creativity has saved me from the worst possible situations. But nothing worse than an internal email that reaches the customer’s hands because you sent it, and without meaning to.

Which 3 executives would you like to nominate?
Adolfo González of Ontwice.

Marga Castaño of Aperitiv. 

Bobby Coimbra of 141 Coimbra.